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Christ Church Undercroft Bar

Electrical rewire and new installation – Completed 2014

Christ Church is a unique institution, one of the largest colleges in the University of Oxford and the Cathedral Church for the Diocese of Oxford. It has a world famous Cathedral Choir, large scholarly collections of books and art, and is enjoyed by numerous visitors and guests at conferences and Summer Schools.

This was a unique installation covering every aspect of electrical and ancillary services. We upgraded the submains and fitted a new distribution, complete with remote monitored metering. We added a network system of inscreed ducting and conduits designed to maintain a discreet and rewire-able electrical installation. A complete new lighting system, with LED tape to all the internal stone work featured individual addresses for multi configuration and end user operation. The lighting was wired through an inverter and change over relays, creating a non-standard, far from straight forward lighting circuit. A complete new fire and security alarm installation was also carried out, monitored exclusively by the Christ Church lodge.

We worked closely with the main contractors, Knowles and Son Ltd, to ensure the client's needs were met to everyone's satisfaction before, during and after the project. And we maintained regular communication with the electrical consultants CBG throughout the project so every technical and practical outcomes was achieved in exactly the right way. The electrical engineers dedicated to this project were present from day one through to completion, a way of working designed to ensure regular personal contact between the
main and sub-contractors.

Praise for Monard’s work

Our work was praised by Mark Brewster, CBG Electrical Engineer, Tony Morris, Clerk of the Works and Adam Jagger, Knowles & Son Ltd Contracts Manager.

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Christ Church – Cathedral Lighting – An ongoing Project


Back in 1998 we installed the Cathedral lighting at Christ Church. In 2019 we we were brought back in to upgrade and update the ageing system, which was no longer suitable for the environment. The solution was a complex phased lighting refurbishment.

Phase I works involved isolating and removing the North Aisle capital lights and the North Transept Clerestory lights before installing new LED lighting along with emergency lighting. We installed bespoke enclosed LED tape around the capitals of the North Aisle, high powered LED spots on the Clerestory of the North Transept, converted the Stall lighting in the Latin Chapel and installed high powered spot lights in the Watching Loft.

We carried out wiring using MICC cables and FP200 cabling, predominantly installed around the containment route on the Clerestory where a special harness and equipment was required for mobility. All the new lighting is scene functionable, with every circuit Bluetooth controlled via the Cathedral operator’s tablet.

Phase II works involved isolating and removing the lights in the South Aisle, the Choir Stalls, the Nave and the underside of the Organ Loft, then installing modern lighting to replace them. We incorporated the new lighting into the existing emergency lighting system using change over and hold off relays, and the same type of LED tape was installed around the capitals of the South Aisle.

We installed high powered spot lights on the Clerestory level of the Nave and recessed spot lights to the underside of the Organ loft. And we upgraded all the Nave Choir stall lighting from hot, inefficient halogen lamps to cool, high powered LED chips, with incorporated Bluetooth dimmer modules as an integral part of the circuitry.

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Christ Church – Kitchen Works


Installing new Mains Infrastructure – Completed 2017

We were appointed by Christ Church to supply and install a new submain and distribution system to the kitchen’s existing electric system.

The kitchen range was due for an upgrade from gas to electric, which was going to affect the power consumption of the electrical system thanks to an insufficient existing supply. The work therefore involved installing 2no 240mm2 4core LSFSWA cables from the South Substation, through the grounds of Christ Church via excavations and through the fabric of the building, all the way to the Chef’s office.

The new cable was terminated into a new Panel board, upgrading the whole of the distribution. To avoid disrupting the kitchen, we carried the work out one circuit at a time to ensure the room always had power. We also installed new submain circuit cables to various pieces of equipment.

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Christ Church – Electrical Installation Testing


Testing electrical installations – Completed 2018

We were appointed by Christ Church to carry out electrical installation condition reports, essential periodic testing. The work involved close liaison with the Clerk-of-the-works department to programme and arrange varous areas for sequencing.

The building’s sheer size means testing takes just over a year to complete, and we have to work closely alongside every department at Christ Church to ensure there’s minimal disruption.

The kitchen is particularly busy, as is the catering department, and the testing work was about as tight and complex as it gets. We only had a three hour daily slot in which to do the tests, but our lead test engineer programmed in all the works with the C.O.W and Head Chef to a satisfactory level.

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